in Liturgia


Dominica V „per annum“ [zit. nach Missale Romanum 2002]

Famíliam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine,
contínua pietáte custódi,
ut, quæ in sola spe grátiæ cæléstis innítitur,
tua semper protectióne muniátur.
Per Dóminum.

Fr. John T. Zuhlsdorf schreibt dazu:

This Collect was in the pre-Conciliar 1962MR, the so-called “Tridentine” Missal, for the 5th Sunday after Epiphany. Let us see the Google… er um… ICEL version we will hear on Sunday in our parish churches and then immediately our slavishly literal WDTPRS version.

ICEL (1973 translation of the 1970MR):
watch over your family
and keep us safe in your care,
for all our hope is in you.

Guard your family, we beseech you, O Lord, with continual mercy,
so that that (family) which is propping itself up upon the sole hope of heavenly grace
may always be defended by your protection.

5. Sonntag im Jahreskreis [zit. nach Schott]

Gott, unser Vater,
wir sind dein Eigentum
und setzen unsere Hoffnung
allein auf deine Gnade.
Bleibe uns nahe in jeder Not und Gefahr
und schütze uns.
Darum bitten wir durch Jesus Christus.

Dominica in Septuagesima [zit. nach Missale Romanum ca. 1950]

Preces pópuli tui, quǽsumus,
Dómine, cleménter exáudi:
ut, qui juste pro peccátis nostris
afflígimur, pro tui nóminis glória
misericórditer liberémur. Per
Dóminum nostrum.

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