The West has abdicated its responsibility to true love and care for the needy and the helpless in its society. The debate about euthanasia is possible only because of the self centred, Narcissistic culture of Post Modern Europe. We in Africa says: „Nobody knows tomorrow, it is this day’s sunrise that you have seen, tomorrow’s sunset can be more dazzling still“ The issue in this debate is „community“. Can what many call „degrading pain“ become a training tool for empathy? Can it become a redemption module for those who are pain – free to appreciate freedom. It will be a sterile world indeed, where the only challenge remaining is the mental challenge of computers and engine management. Where are the worthy successors to the fathers of present day Europe?
Sayo Ajiboye, Lagos, Nigeria
Wortbeitrag zu einer Diskussion bei der BBC am 13. Dezember 2000 über die damals gerade in den Niederlanden beschlossene Legalisierung der Euthanasie