in Catholica


Der Pontificator (Autor meines Lieblingsblogs in englischer Sprache, das er nun möglicherweise schließen wird) wird katholisch:

“A convert comes to learn,” Newman wrote, “and not to pick and choose.” It is now time for me to withdraw from the lists of controversy, enter into a spiritual posture of learning and docility, and submit my mind, heart, and soul to the teaching of our Lord through the Magisterium of his Church. It is time for me to abandon the private judgment of my Anglicanism and be reformed by the Catholic Faith in all of its fullness. As Newman wrote to Henry Maskell: “You must come to the Catholic Church to learn, to take on faith, her mode and peculiarities of worship, her ideas of devotion, etc. as well as her doctrine.” This is now the task before me. [via Lumen de Lumine]

Gottes Segen!

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